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I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.

I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate. I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.
My Experience
I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate. I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.

I’m a former 4th grade teacher, now full time food & travel blogger. I live in Canada. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.